May 19, 2018

Split Rock

One of the places we went on our honeymoon was Split Rock lighthouse, along the brisk shore of Lake Superior. Shawn snapped some neat photos of it, and as a thank you gift for helping with our wedding, Shawn made this frame for a dear family member who has a special fondness for this place. 

Well, we wanted a picture of it too, but ours is just a little big bigger. :) 
We had it printed as an engineer print, and Shawn made some narrow strips of walnut that he pin nailed to the top and bottom of the print.

We used a leather shoelace to hang it, and I think it looks pretty cool!

May 5, 2018

Project life

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, life has been very busy with work and such. Here is a couple pictures of putting some finish on some projects. One thing that you will find out about me is I'm not a big stain guy, I prefer the true beauty to stand out! As I sit here and ponder, how much in life to we try to cover up to fit into a crowd? So let me ask you this, are you trying to fit into a crowd or are you being who you are and being content with that?

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