August 28, 2018

Busy as a.....wooly bear?

      Tis the season for wooly bear caterpillars to start stampeding across roads and through yards in search of a warm safe place to spend the winter. They're on a mission, and they don't like to be stopped and admired, but fuzzy caterpillars are hard for me to resist.

Shawn: "Isn't there a way to predict how harsh the winter will be by a wooly bear's stripes?"

Me:"Yes, the wider the brown stripe, the longer the winter is supposed to be." (it's actually if the black stripes are wider, so it's said)

Shawn: "Well I saw an all white one, what does that mean?"

Me: "It's going to blizzard all winter."   😂

     What does this have to do with our project big, you ask? Well, Shawn and I, mostly Shawn, spend this weekend driving back and forth to camp, on a mission to get some projects started now that the summer camping season is over.
    There were quite a few things that needed to be power washed, and then either sealed or repainted. Hopefully we can help get a lot done now, before winter, and before the busy spring season starts again for camp.

      Shawn did most of the power washing. I helped a little, did some odds and ends things around camp, and played with wooly bears.

     We make a good team. 😜 

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